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1998 Porsche 993 Targa

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United Kingdom


COLOUR Arctic Silver


TRIM Black Leather



Ex-Porsche GB, highly original with 26 years in single ownership Supplied new to the UK and registered to Porsche GB on 5th of February 1998 finished in Artic silver with a black interior fitted with the following options; electric front seats, tiptronic s gearbox, ABD, rear wiper, top tinted windscreen and third brake light. Acquired by our client from Porsche in December 1998 with the mileage at 16,000 he used the car for his daily commute until his retirement in 2013. Overall the car is in good condition and remains first paint having covered 125,069 miles there are stone-chips on the front-end, the driver’s seat has wear, there are two bubbles on the body and on the inner drivers side wheel arch, the rear heatshield should be replaced and tyres are from 2011 and 2016. The car has been serviced at Porsche Arlington and then Porsche Silverstone after Arlington closed, most recently being serviced in July 2024 by Jackson & Phillips. The car is complete with its original handbooks, service book and dedicated history file. Servicing history 22/06/1998: 12,035 Miles Porsche Centre Reading 21/05/1999: 20,360 Miles Porsche Centre Arlington 03/02/2000: 24,341 Miles Porsche Centre Arlington 24/01/2001: 30,880 Miles Porsche Centre Arlington 13/11/2002: 44,494 Miles Porsche Centre Arlington 09/01/2004: 56,724 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 07/01/2005: 66,910 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 13/06/2006: 74,776 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 13/06/2007: 84,067 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 17/06/2008: 89,151 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 29/10/2009: 97,366 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 06/10/2011: 105,689 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 01/08/2013: 114,015 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 04/05/2016: 123,137 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 13/07/2018: 123,634 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 08/07/2021: 125,063 Miles Porsche Centre Silverstone 31/07/2024: 125,070 Miles Jackson & Phillips
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