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1999 Aston Martin V8
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 354 PK


Date Part I June 4, 1999


Color Grampian Green


Interior Beige Leather


Transmission Automatic


VAT deductible No

'Austin sounds a little bit like Aston Martin, which is the type of car James Bond would drive' - Mike Myers The origins of the Aston Martin V8 series date back to 1969, when Aston Martin introduced the V8 as the successor to the DBS. It featured a powerful 5.3-liter V8 engine that produced 320 horsepower. Aston-Martin-V8- Fast forward to 1999 with the Aston Martin V8 Coupe being its successor. The 1999 Aston Martin V8 Coupe built on the heritage of its predecessors and shouted "Step aside, boys, the king has arrived!" The interior of the V8 was not simply luxurious; it was handcrafted. The leather upholstery enveloped the seats like a warm embrace, while the wooden dashboard created an ambiance that even James Bond would secretly envy. Our own 1999 Aston Martin V8 is cloaked like a work of art in Grampian Green. A green/white leather interior and a wooden dashboard reminiscent of a craftsman who spent months in the back shed perfecting the smallest details. With only 45,000 kilometers on the odometer, this V8 is a rare find, a jewel that yearns for a new owner. Will you be the one to guide this British beauty through her luscious twenties?
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