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2000 Subaru Impreza 2.5RS
LBI Limited

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Chassis # JF1GM6759YG400350


Showing Just Over 57,000 From New


Finished In Rare Sedona Red Pearl


A Highly Original And Stock Example


Iconic Rally Inspired Design


Freshly Serviced And Ready For Enjoyment

Very often, an automaker’s success in motorsports dictates their sales and defines their future. Subaru is a prime example of this ethos, with their success on rally stages directly translating to their success on the showroom floor. With the introduction of their Impreza and the more extreme WRX platforms in 1992, Subaru saw both a sales success as well as motorsport victories. In 1994 they launched the all-new STI version of the WRX in Japan. It featured a turbocharged engine as well as different transmission and suspension components that were more geared towards its rallying heritage. In typical fashion, the US market did not receive the turbocharged rally car for the road. Instead what we got in the States in 1998 was a car that more so looked the part but in the end, still turned out to be a fantastic vehicle. The 2.5 RS was delivered with all the looks, the large spoiler, aggressive front fascia, and iconic hood scoop. Beneath the hood sat Subaru’s now-iconic 2.5 liter EJ 4-cylinder boxer engine. While only being naturally aspirated, the boxer configuration provided for a low center of gravity and ample torque and power to make this a truly fun car to drive. Despite being slightly neutered, they sold well and enticed Subaru to bring the full turbocharged variant of the WRX to the U.S. starting in 2002. Today, the 2.5RS remains an interesting part of the Subaru story and is a truly exciting and fun car to drive with a very connected and tactile driving experience. Many of the 2.5RS delivered to the US lived hard lives, often finding themselves in snowy climates which lead to rust and other issues, therefore finding low mileage, clean, and well-kept examples proves quite difficult these days.  The example on offer here, chassis number JF1GM6759YG400350, is a 2000 Subaru Impreza 2.5 RS finished in rare Sedona Red Pearl. According to the included clean CARFAX the car was sold new in Charlevoix, Michigan where it stayed until being sold to its second owner in 2002 who resided in Bloomfield, Michigan. The second owner kept the car, driving it sparingly and servicing it when needed until we purchased it in 2020. Upon our acquisition of the vehicle, we had it thoroughly looked over and anything that needed attention was corrected and serviced. A total of just over $5300 was spent making sure that this 2.5RS needed no attention and was ready for thorough enjoyment. Today it remains largely all stock and in excellent condition, both cosmetically as well as mechanically.   Finding a clean and unmodified 2.5 RS proves to be more and more difficult with each passing year. These cars were driven hard and often found themselves living in climates not conducive to preservation. This particular car, with its low miles, clean condition, unique color, and well-kept nature, provides for an awesome opportunity to own an iconic vehicle from Subaru’s past that is still very useable and enjoyable, both on-road or off!
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